Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer of fun in Georgia

The kids and I had the opportunity to spend the summer in Georgia with my sister Gretchen. We are having so much fun!! We are getting in all the playing and swimming that we possibly can! We sure have missed our daddy, who is in pocatello taking summer school at ISU. He is working hard to finish up his last class needed to start applying for nursing schools this fall! We are thankful that he can be back in school and excited to start a new adventure as a family. We miss Boise a ton but are excited that we have moved closer to family again. I am going to try hard to figure this blogging thing out and keep in touch with everyone. Until next time just know that we miss and love all of you that are looking at this!


Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Em! I almost gave up on checking up on you blog...not really, I knew you would eventually come back to it. :) So cute to see your pix! I am glad you guys have had fun in GA, way fun!

Shayna said...

You are back... yeah! It is so good to see cute pictures. Lets keep in touch! I am glad you are having a great time in GA!!! Tell Katie hi

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Are you kidding me? Your little girl looks EXACTLY like you and Gretchen's little girl looks EXACTLY like her and your mom! So cute!